Bible 422: Church Growth and Planting Return to Syllabus

Study Guide: Masses and Classes
Chapter 15 of Understanding Church Growth

1. With what do American understand the situation of the masses? With what do they not understand?
2. How do the masses and classes different in income, language, housing, and health?
3. Who popularized the pear-shaped diagram of social order? How many classes does it describe?
4. What kind of society is an exception to the class/mass society? What does McGavran think will happen to it?
5. What causes the increase in size of middle classes?
6. What economic level does McGavran say the Bible shows a preference for?
7. Into what economic class was Jesus born? What did he come to do for the poor and oppressed?
8. What classes do non-Pentecostal missionaries customarily place a high value on?
9.From what class do most missionaries come? What class are they perceived as belonging to?
10. What is the trickle down theory of missiology? Why does it not work?
11. What fear has kept missionaries from evangelizing the depressed classes?
12. How does Toynbee say that higher religions make their entry into society?
13. What two teachings does McGavran say is good news for the masses?
14. What does McGavran say is not the greatest need of the masses? What is their greatest need?
15. Who does McGavran say has a higher right to hear the gospel?

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