Bible 347 | Return to Syllabus |
Uncials (Hebrew Aleph, capital Roman letters, capital Greek letters, numbers that start with 0) (e.g. A, B, 048)
Minuscule Families (e.g. 1, 13)
Minuscules (numbers: e.g. 33, 88, 1739; M or Byz=majority of MSS)
Lectionaries (e.g. l1602; Lect=majority of lectionaries)
Latin (small Roman letters; e.g. a, k, gig; latt=all Latin)Church Fathers (abbreviations: e.g. Ir=Irenaeus; Tert=Tertullian)Old Latin (lat)
Syriac (sy or syr; syp or syrp=Peshitta)
Vulgate (vg; vgst and vgww=earlier vg; vgcl=later vg)
Coptic (co or cop; bo or copbo=northern Coptic; sa or copsa=southern Coptic)
othersArmenian (arm)
Georgian (geo)
Gothic (got)
Etheopic (aeth)
Old Church Slavonic (slav)
Other common abbreviations as superscripts on MSS:
* reading of original copyist c correction by later copyist 1, 2, or 3 correction by later copyists v.l. variant reading in margin mg other reading in margin s or supp reading on added or replacement page vid apparent reading (not clearly legible)
Omission | Insertion | same | Replacement | Word Order Variation | (two words) |