Students who attended World Mission Workshop 2008 Ohio Valley University Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. . . .
So we are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us. . . .
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Missions Programs at OVU

Bible Degree with a Specialization in Missions

The student who completes a Bible degree (either the B.A. or B.S.) with a minor in missions (listed below) is considered to have a Bible degree with a specialization in missions. This degree is the equivalent of a missions degree at other colleges and universities. See the degree requirements on the Bible web pages for details of the Bible degree.

Second Major in Vocational Missions

To earn a second major in Vocational Missions, the student must complete at least 24 credit hours of upper-level Bible (BIB) courses at Ohio Valley University; at least nine of these credit hours must be in textual studies courses. In addition, he or she must complete 36 credit hours, distributed as follows (see below for a listing of which courses meet each requirement):
  • 8 credit hours in Bible core courses. The following courses are required:
    • BIB 106 Life of Christ (2 credit hours)
    • BIB 107 Acts through Revelation (2 credit hours)
    • BIB 205 Old Testament Survey (2 credit hours)
    • BIB 206 Christian Thought (2 credit hours)
  • 9 credit hours in textual studies courses, with at least five hours in New Testament.
  • 3 credit hours in doctrinal and historical studies courses; BIB 347 – Scripture Interpretation (3 credit hours) is required.
  • 12 credit hours in practical ministry courses. The following are required:
    • BIB 320 Personal Evangelism (3 credit hours) or
      BIB 353 Urban Ministry (3 credit hours)
    • BIB 322 Introduction to Missions (3 credit hours)
    • SoC 341 Cultural Anthropology (3 credit hours)
    • REL 441 Major World Religions (3 credit hours)
  • BIB 451 – Senior Seminar (2 credit hours)
  • 2 elective hours of Bible (BIB) or Religion (REL). Recommended: Ministry Field Laboratory (BIB 325) or Practicum in Ministry (BIB 425) with an emphasis in missions.

Missions Minor

This minor requires 25 credit hours, including the following courses: Introduction to Missions (BIB 322), Cultural Anthropology (SOC 341), Personal Evangelism (BIB 320), Church Growth and Leadership Dynamics (BIB 421) or Church Growth and Planting (BIB 422), and Major World Religions (REL 441). For the additional 10-11 credit hours, students must take 7 to 10 credit hours in upper-level textual studies (see the Bible program description for a classification of textual studies courses), including at least one class from Acts (BIB 306 or BIB 406) or First Corinthians (BIB 308 or BIB 408), and one of the following: Global Missions Awareness (BIB 332), Ministry Field Laboratory (BIB 325) focused in missions, or Practicum in Ministry (BIB 425) focused in missions.

Missions Certificate

BIB 322 Introduction to Missions
SOC 341 Cultural Anthropology
6 hours from the following:
BIB 320 Personal Evangelism
BIB 325 in missions
BIB 421 Church Growth and Leadership
BIB 422 Church Growth and Planting
REL 441 World Religions
3-4 hours of upper level text

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Last updated on June 12, 2009
Page maintained by Bruce Terry,